Safety + Security
Questions about emergency procedures or unsafe conditions at CIA should be addressed to Safety + Security at or 216.421.7950 or x7330.
CIAlerts Account
Please be sure you have updated your contact information on CIAlert, which is CIA’s emergency notification system. Still have questions? Contact
Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) stipulates that colleges and universities that participate in U.S. federal student financial aid programs are required to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses.
Cleveland Institute of Art's Annual Security Report includes statistics for three calendar years regarding reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by CIA; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus.
Collin's Law (Ohio Senate Bill 126) is in honor of Collin Wiant, an 18-year-old man who died in a hazing incident in 2018. The bill requires each public and private institution of higher education in Ohio to adopt an anti-hazing policy.
Among the changes, colleges are required to document efforts taken on campus to reduce hazing as well as reporting on incidents on campus.
Incidents of hazing should be reported to Matthew Smith, PhD, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs by email or phone at 216.421.7495.
January 1, 2024 Report
In the Fall semester of 2023, CIA’s Office of Student Life led a hazing prevention workshop for all student organizations on campus, communicated hazing prevention information to the community via posters throughout campus and emails to the entire CIA community. These methods assisted in defining hazing while explaining the process for reporting incidents. Lastly, we did an online training for student organization advisors which included a quiz at the end of the seminar.
January 1–July 31, 2024: There were no incidents of hazing reported to the Assistant Dean of Students office.
August 1, 2023–January 1, 2024: There were no incidents of hazing reported to the Assistant Dean of Students office.
January 1–July 31, 2023: There were no incidents of hazing reported to the Assistant Dean of Students office.
Important Contact Information
For all life threatening emergencies, call 9-1-1.
For all emergencies, call 9-1-1
University Circle Police
CWRU Security
CIA Security
Main Campus
11610 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
Uptown Residence Hall
11421 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
Euclid-117 Residence Hall
11702 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
Mailing address for both residence halls
Student Name
Cleveland Institute of Art
11610 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44106
University Hospitals/Case Medical Center
11100 Euclid Avenue
(watch for Emergency Room signs, due to Construction)
Cleveland Clinic
9105 Cedar Avenue
(accessible from Carnegie Avenue or Cedar Avenue, at E. 93)
CWRU Safe Ride program
The Safe Ride van transports CWRU students, faculty and staff around the University Circle area during the evening and nighttime hours. It complements other transportation options such as Circle Link and shuttle buses. Safe Ride is available from 6pm until 3am daily. To schedule call 216.368.3000 or go to Riders must give name, location, and final destination. The dispatcher can offer an estimated arrival time.
The Safe Ride service area is bordered by Wade Park Avenue on the north, Coltman Road on the east, East 101st Street on the west and to the intersections of Mayfield/Kenilworth and Cedar/Fairmount to the south. If you are ill or intoxicated call 216.368.3333 for assistance. Safe Ride is not medical transport.
CWRU Rave Guardian app
A free smartphone application helping the CWRU Police respond to emergency situations quickly. Can be used to request Escort Service/Safe Ride as well.
University Health Service*
Call for advice on what to do in a non-life-threatening health situation, or to get diagnosis/treatment of a health situation at the office.
2145 Adelbert Rd
(Off Euclid, just past Rainbow Babies Hospital, across from 1-2-1 Fitness and parking garage)
Office Hours M–F: 8:30am–4:30pm
Someone is on call 24/7
University Counseling Services
Mental health concerns, substance abuse, alcohol dependency.
216.368.5872 appointments
201 Sears Building
(CWRU quad off Adelbert)
Office Hours M–F: 8:30am–4:30pm
Someone is on call 24/7
If the student is in danger of hurting self or others, call 911 and notify CIA Security.
If the situation is not life-threatening during CIA office hours, call Academic Services or Student Life (numbers above). Encourage student to see one of these advisors or go directly to Counseling Services. Advisors will also escort student to Counseling.
University Health Services (UHS) Class Excuse Policy
When a student must be absent from a class, a studio, or an examination for medical reasons, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss this directly with the faculty member involved. SHS does not issue class excuses per se. Under certain circumstances, SHS will give students written verification of the date of their visit to the SHS. In the case of students who are hospitalized or who have a prolonged illness such as mononucleosis, the student should give permission for CIA’s Academic Services office to communicate with Health Services and the hospital regarding the illness. Without this permission, no communication can occur.
800.332.AIDS (2437)
Alcoholics Anonymous
800.835.1935 (weekdays)
Cocaine Hotline
CWRU Dental Clinic
216.368.8730 appointments
216.368.3200 emergencies
The Centers / Circle Health Services
Medical, abuse, psychiatric, legal services
12201 Euclid Avenue
(Just east of CIA, beyond the train tracks)
Substance abuse
Planned Parenthood
11811 Shaker Boulevard, Suite 210
Poison Control
at University Hospitals
11100 Euclid Avenue
Rape Crisis Center
LGBT Community Center
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender support
Suicide Hotlines
Mental Health referral
216.623.6888 (Cleveland)
Free Clinic
National Prevention Hotline
Anyone on campus can express their concerns about a student who seems to be having difficulty (academic, emotional, mental, behavioral, substance abuse, etc.) via, or directly to a staff member in Student Affairs:
Amanda Fronek, PhD
Matt Smith, PhD