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Charles E. Burchfield Society

Giving + Benefit Levels

The Charles E. Burchfield Society recognizes those special donors who generously give a gift of $1,500 or more annually to the Cleveland Institute of Art. The Society offers engaging benefits that are unique to CIA. 

Visionary: $20,000

Benefits of donating at the Leader level, plus:

  • Opportunity for private tour of CIA studios and gallery
  • Commemorative art work

Leader: $10,000-19,999

Benefits of donating at the Pacesetter level, plus:

  • Opportunity for private tour of CIA studios
  • Invitation to private presidential event

Pacesetter: $5,000-9,999

Benefits of donating at the Benefactor level, plus:

  • Invitation to select CIA Cinematheque events

Benefactor: $3,000-4,999

Benefits of donating at the Member level, plus:

  • Early access to student organized holiday sales

Member: $1,500-2,999

Benefits of donating at the Friend level, plus:

  • Invitation to private exhibition previews and events throughout the year
  • Invitation to Annual Burchfield Society Celebration
  • One-year membership to the CIA Cinematheque, including film guides

Friend: $500-1,499

  • Name recognition in Annual Report
  • Invitation to select artist and designer talks
  • Invitation to select exhibition previews throughout the year
  • 2 tickets to a screening at the Cinemqtheque

For more information on joining the Burchfield Society, please contact:

Malou Monago
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
216.421.8016 | Email