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Blog . Sleep is over-rated: working nonstop at Yale Norfolk


Sleep is over-rated: working nonstop at Yale Norfolk

06/29/15  |  Posted by  |  Posted in Student Blogger

I have begun my final week at Yale Norfolk. I must finish all studio work by Tuesday evening, we are forbidden from continuing to work after that day. I have less then 48 hours to finish my final touches on new sculpture and works on paper.

Last Saturday, our student show took place. From 2-6 pm, residents of Norfolk and nearby towns, as well as other visitors, came to see what we have completed this summer. As students, it was wonderful to see all our work in one place at the same time. From Saturday to Sunday, there was little time set aside for us to relax and enjoy all of our accomplishments. Sunday evening was well spent together with all faculty and students at a potluck for our final Sunday meal.

We have been working nonstop for the past five weeks with no break and little sleep. This week is the week that determines so much for me. The students have been instructed to prepare a conversation to lead through the final review of their work. Our review in some fashion seems to function similar to a mock BFA defense. Each student receives half an hour. The 26 students will be divided into two groups of 13 on Wednesday and Thursday. Can you imagine if the reviews were hour-long defenses similar to CIA? What a long day that would be with 13 reviews in a row...

I must head back to work now. I wrote a contract with myself at the beginning of the program to complete several pieces or small bodies of work. I needed to set a parameter in which I had reasonable amount of time to spend on working through every piece individually, instead of jumping quickly from piece to piece as a typically would. I have learned to value working much slower than the pace I had devised for myself when in my CIA studio. I have created a LOT of work while attending the program, but the work I have invested the most time into is where my heart has really been.

My final blog will be posted next week when I leave the program. I will be spending a little time in Brooklyn before returning to Cleveland. Several students and I are heading there together to spend a little more time exploring New York before we return to our respective homes.

Remember to send good vibes my way. I will be including pictures of my final works in the final blog.

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